Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's been awhile

Since I posted, but considering the last post was about my cook niece and her cool club, how can you beat that? Well there are a couple things you can do. You can write about this little lady:

This is Madyson, she is the daughter of my oh-so-cool niece. Now hers is a club I want to belong to!!!!!! Smooochies Maddy!! my little Muffinhead!

You could also write that your husband found a brother he never knew he had! it's true! I can write this now, but the whole story is something Jim probably wouldn't want me to put in a blog. So I'll respect that and just say, he found out this past month he has an older brother. That package comes with new nieces and a nephew too. It's the kind of story you'd write in an RPG or see on a Soap Opera!


  1. Is Madyson the cook taking members in her club? That is so cool about Jim's brother!

  2. You'd always be welcome in the club Cassie, cuz you are super cool!
