Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's been awhile

Since I posted, but considering the last post was about my cook niece and her cool club, how can you beat that? Well there are a couple things you can do. You can write about this little lady:

This is Madyson, she is the daughter of my oh-so-cool niece. Now hers is a club I want to belong to!!!!!! Smooochies Maddy!! my little Muffinhead!

You could also write that your husband found a brother he never knew he had! it's true! I can write this now, but the whole story is something Jim probably wouldn't want me to put in a blog. So I'll respect that and just say, he found out this past month he has an older brother. That package comes with new nieces and a nephew too. It's the kind of story you'd write in an RPG or see on a Soap Opera!