Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  1. Love you too. I was just venting because NO ONE took Jim into consideration with this and he is the most dedicated worker they have. ALWAYS doing the overtime when they need it and are short, always handling the problems.. the other "crew" who got all this foreign food for the "party" do shit. Always calling in, always wanting to leave early. Screw them. It pisses me off because I know how hard he works. No appreciation. He came home early.

  2. Oh and I forgot to mention, Jim paid for his part of this party before he knew they'd decided this. He was supposed to give the money to a guy on a different shift who was then going to get the food for all shifts, and Jim's coworkers decided on this food Jim doesn't eat and didn't even tell him, just decided for Jim's whole shift this is what they were going to have without asking him if he wanted something else or taking him into consideration. Jim found out from the guy on the other shift AFTER he'd already given his money for it. Nice huh?
